
kbplus is a free set of extended keyboard layouts designed to give fast, intuitive access to a range of extended characters & symbols not found on standard US/UK keyboards.

They may be of particular interest to anyone using US/UK keyboards in countries whose locale utilises extended characters, internet cafés (giving easy access to accented characters for foreign visitors), journalists, or anyone wanting easy access to international characters.

All are available in both Qwerty (US/UK variants) & Dvorak layouts.



All functionality is derived from overloading the AltGr key (right-hand Alt on US keyboards). In order to produce a Greek μ, type AltGr-g,m (g => Greek, m => Mu); for a Spanish ç, AltGr-~,c; for the fraction ¾, AltGr-8,6; for the multiplication sign ×, AltGr-m,* (m => Maths, * => multiplication); and so forth.

Crib Sheet

  Acute:    AltGr+'     (aAeEiIoOuUwWyY)
    AltGr + ' , a   =   á
    AltGr + ' , A   =   Á
    AltGr + ' , Y   =   Ý

  Grave:    AltGr+`     (aAeEiIoOuUwWyY)
    AltGr + ` , a   =   à
    AltGr + ` , U   =   Ù

  Tilde:    AltGr+~     (aAoOnNyY)
    AltGr + ~ , a   =   ã
    AltGr + ~ , N   =   Ñ

  Umlauts:  AltGr+;     (aAeEiIoOuUwWy)
    AltGr + ; , a   =   ä
    AltGr + ; , U   =   Ü
    AltGr + ; , y   =   ÿ

  Hat:      AltGr+6     (aAeEiIoOuU)
    AltGr + 6 , a   =   â
    AltGr + 6 , U   =   Û

  Cedilla:  AltGr+,     (cC)
    AltGr + , , c   =   ç
    AltGr + , , C   =   Ç

  Stroke:   AltGr+-     (oOdDyYcC)
    AltGr + - , o   =   ø
    AltGr + - , O   =   Ø
    AltGr + - , d   =   ð
    AltGr + - , D   =   Ð
    AltGr + - , y   =   ¥   (yen)
    AltGr + - , c   =   ¢   (cents)

  Circle:   AltGr+. (aA)
    AltGr + . , a   =   å
    AltGr + . , A   =   Å

  Abbreviations (and suchlike):  AltGr+a (eEcnprt)
    AltGr + a , e   =	æ
    AltGr + A , E   =   Æ
    AltGr + a , c   =   ©   (copyright)
    AltGr + a , n   =   №   (No. = number)
    AltGr + a , p   =   ₧   (Pts. = points)
    AltGr + a , r   =   ®   (registered)
    AltGr + a , t   =   ™   (trademark)

Fractions:  AltGr+8, (1234567);  AltGr+3, (12)
    AltGr + 8 , 1   =   ⅛   (one-eigth)
    AltGr + 8 , 7   =   ⅞   (seven-eigths)
    AltGr + 3 , 1   =   ⅓   (one-third)
    AltGr + 3 , 2   =   ⅔   (two-thirds)

Maths symbols:  AltGr+m, (adglniprs=8*/mx)
    AltGr + m , a   =   ≈   (approximately equal)
    AltGr + m , d   =   ∂   (delta)
    AltGr + m , D   =   ∆   (capital delta)
    AltGr + m , g   =   ≥   (greater than or equal)
    AltGr + m , l   =   ≤   (less than or equal)
    AltGr + m , n   =   ≠   (not equal)
    AltGr + m , i   =   ∫   (integral)
    AltGr + m , p   =   ∏   (product == capital pi)
    AltGr + m , r   =   √   (root)
    AltGr + m , s   =   ∑   (sum == capital sigma)
    AltGr + m , =   =   ≡   (identical)
    AltGr + m , 8   =   ∞   (infinity)
    AltGr + m , *mx =   ×   (multiply)
    AltGr + m , /   =   ÷   (divide)
    AltGr + m , '   =   ′   (prime)
    AltGr + m , "   =   ″   (double prime)

Greek:  AltGr+g, (a-zA-Z)
    Arranged as the symbol font.

Special Characters:
    AltGr + 0       =   °   (degree)
    AltGr+Sh + 1    =   ¡   (inverse exclamation mark)
    AltGr+Sh + 3    =   £   (pound sterling)
    AltGr + 4       =   €   (euro)
    AltGr+Sh + 5    =   ‰
    AltGr+Sh + 8    =   ×   (multiplication)
    AltGr+Sh + =    =   ±   (plus/minus)
    AltGr + n       =   ℮   ('net' e)
    AltGr + p       =   §   (paragraph)
    AltGr + <       =   «   (left french quote)
    AltGr + >       =   »   (right french quote)
    AltGr + /       =   ÷   (division)
    AltGr+S + /     =   ¿   (inverse question mark)
    AltGr+S + -     =   ¯   (overbar)
    AltGr+S + '     =   ´   (forward tick)